With our strong commintment to the enviroment and security in mind, we have built a multipurpose pilot boat complete with modern technology, known as RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat). This is the first in the country to be used for maritime navigation (fully approved by the Prefectura Naval Argentina), and wich complies with the new minimum emissions standards for gases and harmful particles.
Madryn Marine operates withing the Management System for Navigation Security and Contamination Prevention. To offer our clients the best professional services, our personnel are committed to our principles and we are open to your suggestions to you help find answers to any problems wich will help us improve our business.
Madryn Marine started offering its harbour services in Puerto Madryn in August 2008. After 18 years piloting in all Patagonian ports, the staff of Madryn Marine determined then to create a new business with the objetive being to offer ship-owners a service of excellence, based on nautical experience and a predictably clear and commercial management.